Everyone knows what SEO is and how it works.
It comprises content strategy, backlink strategy, coding, and making the website user friendly.
But that’s a small bucket of the boundless sea.
Psychology accounts for the major portion when we talk about SEO. What matters the most is what people are searching for online?
Well, many people ask “what the search phrases have to do with the keyword strategy?”
That’s the very base!
Who Your Customers Are?
Without knowing the demography of the customers interested in your services and products your strategy is bound to fail. You need to understand what your customers are looking for and how your brand can help them enhance their lifestyle.
You can get the ball rolling by talking to your existing customers as what made them interact with the brand and encounter the similarities in the approach. This will help you give a vivid picture of who are your customers.
Identify the intent
Earlier it was easy to grab rankings by optimizing the content and the website with the search phrases. But now the algorithm has become sophisticated and can access the user’s intent accurately. By grabbing a hold of the search intent you can pan out your SEO strategy more comfortably.
Utilize the Queries
If you analyze the queries googled, you will notice that now the queries are being more of a conversational one. The individuals ask direct questions more frequently than simply searching a word.
On top of that, with Alexa ruling the front stage, it has become important to optimize the searches for the voice. Research your industry and ask what type of Query your customers will Google. Utilize a long-tail keyword strategy for optimizing the searches for the voice.
Invest More in Visuals
The human psychology is highly visual. To connect with your audience, you need to have relevant images and videos complementing your content for engagement and conversions. Images leave lasting impressions. The individual’s process content in the visual form 60,000 times faster than without it. Try including reliable images that could help generate the trust of the customers in your brand.
User Experience
Site Structure is something that is talked about the most when it comes to User Experience. Optimization of the title tags and defining a well-optimized content strategy is important for you to convert them into potential customers.
Design the website in a way that they engage and interact with you rather than switching to your competitors. The goal here is to present the right content in front of the right customers. A good landing page is a key to boosting conversions and enhances the user experience.
Encourage them to share your content
You don’t go beyond the mile for your customers to just read and digest the content, you expect more from it.
Exactly, you want them to share it for promoting good engagement.
But the question is what provokes them to share your content? Why they should care?
The individuals who share your content are the one who is genuinely interested in your brand and wasn’t more people to know about it. They feel a connection with your brand.
The connection is the key!
The sharable content is interesting, informative and a problem solver.
According to the New York Times “84 percent share content that supports a cause they care about”
The best content helps the customer define themselves and their relationship with the world.
For having the odds in your favor, you need to tab on the right pulse.
Before developing a new SEO strategy make sure to gather up insights and get into the head of the customers. After all, they are the end-users that will be responding to your brand. The content shouldn’t just be geared for impressing the search engines but it should complete the customer’s motive of landing on your website.
What makes your customer click?
Yes, you have got the hold there!
Craft your strategies based on the insights for your business to double up sales.