About Us

What is TanSherwin all about?

Tan Sherwin is an Web Developer and SEO services company in the Philippines. Our clients range from Philippine based companies to international companies looking for a higher rank in the search engines. Particularly first page rankings in Google.

TanSherwin Mission Statement

Tan Sherwin exists to provide ethical, powerful strategies and execution to EMPOWER companies in generating more revenue in the digital market.

TanSherwin Vision Statement

To see 500 digitally empowered companies by Tan Sherwin experiencing huge growth in their online presence and conversions.

Who We Are

We have been doing SEO since the ‘new age' of SEO back in 2008. The new age was ushered by a slew of algorithm updates by Google that penalized multiple websites for exploiting a number of (now-outdated) ranking factors.

We were founded at the time when these exploits were wrapped up by Google. Hence, our SEO strategies and processes have been molded in such a way that it will never cross the way Google works. Some people call it ‘white hat' strategies. We simply believe it's the right thing to do.

We know that business owners put a lot of weight in their branding. So we have decided to never put a client's branding at-risk. We never walk the line with shady SEO tactics that can get penalized – which means almost 100% of our processes are done manually. From writing the articles, all the way to building links and bridging relationships between webmasters.

What makes us different from other SEO companies is that we provide premium quality services that ensure high rankings, traffic, leads and conversions. We have a slew of SEO, social media and analytics tools that enable us to make our clients rank on the first page of Google.

We believe that SEO should be done right the first time around or not done at all. This means that all the work we do as a company follows Google's guidelines. We have never been penalized by Google. It may take a bit more time for us to rank on the first page (usually 6 months) but once we're there, we stay there for good.

We are the SEO company that goes the extra mile to make our clients happy. Sometimes that even means giving away an entire website for free – as long as it will help the rankings go up.

Things we are doing for our Clients

Sessions generated
est. Worth of Sales Closed
Landing Pages Developed

Who we are NOT

We are not another ‘cheap' Filipino SEO company who will be able to magically make you rank on the first page. There is no magic in SEO.

Our prices are not ‘cheap' or ‘friendly' or ‘affordable' because it takes a lot of effort, money and time to make a website rank. If you don't believe that, there's a good chance that you will end up hiring an SEO company that is doing shady tactics to make you rank high, fast and cheap, or you will end up hiring an SEO company that is full of promises but give you bad results.

We are not an SEO company that will hide the legwork from you. All the stuff we do are reflected in our monthly reports. All the links we build, all the articles we've written, all the pages we've created in your site, all the relationships we've bridged for your business – all in one comprehensive place that is sent to you every month.

We are not an SEO company that needs supervision. If you do go with us for your company's SEO, we don't need you to keep looking over our shoulders. Just sit back, relax and watch your rankings go up. That's what we do. That's how you should trust us to do our stuff.

Why we do what we do

Businesses and establishments have been moving to the internet for years now. Traffic and internet users have been mightily increasing over the past decades and some business owners are wise enough to see that the money is in the web.

There are a lot of things happening in the web today. A lot of updates, a lot of tools, a lot of opportunities, a lot of people, consumers and marketers are interacting in the web and using it as the marketplace.

It doesn’t take a genius to see that the internet is a great and mighty tool to get your business, product, idea, service or anything you want to market, up and broadcasted to millions and millions of people.

And the best thing about SEO and Internet Marketing is that the CUSTOMERS COME TO YOU! You instantly get people who are, by their own sheer will, looking for your product, service or idea! If you know how to do things right online, your sales can be limitless – while you’re asleep orders come in, while you’re on vacation orders come in, while you’re enjoying your Strawberry Shortcake, orders are coming in!

Tan Sherwin provides only the BEST QUALITY service for SEO and Internet Marketing. The SEO Hacker team has everything you need in order for you to jump start your business website – from design, layout, content and videos, to Online Reputation Management, to SEO, marketing, advertising, copywriting and much, much more. Our packages list can be found here.

Tan Sherwin is based in Tondo, Metro Manila, Philippines. Interested local parties are highly encouraged to arrange for a face-to-face meet-up with Tan Sherwin owner. You can contact us here.

Our Vision

To see 500 digitally empowered companies by Tan Sherwin experiencing huge growth in their online presence and conversions.


Our company has been using TanSherwin for several years to help with the development and SEO work of several of our websites, and we have always found them to be helpful and their work to be completely satisfactory their prices are competitive and would be happy to recommend them.
Johnny Walkins
Johnny Walkins
Content Creator
My expectations are almost never surpassed but TanSherwin has far exceeded them. I am so very pleased with their text, email, and phone communication skills, systematic processes, creativity imagery and content, and completing work on time or before. SEO Experts get a 6 out of 5 starts from my company. What a great group of people!!!
Jonathan Simpson
Jonathan Simpson
Lead Manager
Tan Sherwin is friendly, efficient and reliable. In the fast changing world of internet marketing, they are always ahead of the game. I can gladly recommend them for search engine optimization services
Angelina Johnson
Angelina Johnson
Sales Manager

See How Well Your Page is Optimized

Let us help you get your business online and grow it with passion.

Our team of professional SEO experts is the perfect partner for a successful business partnership.

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